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Warm Crocodile Developer Conference 2015

Disclaimer: This is not an Aprils fool. Yesterday I had the pleasure of being announced as speaker for the Warm Crocodile Developer Conference 2015 in Copenhagen. This will be my first major speaker appearance, and I’m very exited and pleased to be given this opportunity. The session will cover some general unit testing approaches, and specifically

NUnit Support for AutoFixture

For a more general introduction to AutoFixture, see my previous post. For a long time it has been an xUnit exclusive to utilize AutoData in your test suites. The extensibility model of NUnit, made the migration to NUnit cumbersome, to say the least. Recently, Gert Jansen van Rensburg, made the first serious attempt to solve this. Having followed his battles on GitHub,

Verify Your Guards With AutoFixture

An important tool in leveraging loosely-coupled components is using dependency injection (DI). A common and wide-spread approach to DI is using constructor injection. Basically, when using constructor injection, all dependencies are injected as parameters through your constructors. This allows strong-typed dependency declarations. It is good practice to follow the Guard Assertion pattern or Guard Clause pattern, like

Customizations with AutoFixture

I’m profound advocate for Test-Driven Development (TDD). I don’t regard myself as a TDD expert, but I’m getting more and more used to the TDD “lifecycle”: There are several advantages to adopting this approach and its beyond the scope of this blog post in particular, I will definitely write an entire blog post on TDD at